Sensitivity as a Superpower

4 week Online Course
Watch for this again in the Fall of 2020
Does this describe how you operate in the world?
• You are sensitive to the wants and needs of another
• You feel called to assist others with problems, wounds, or emotional pain
• You find yourself in relationships with others who seek to manipulate or control you or the situation
• You often change and adjust yourself to placate another to avoid conflict or pain
If so, then you have Sensitivity as a Superpower!
We often perceive or are taught to believe that our sensitivity is a weakness, that we are inferior. Others tell us to:
Toughen up!
Put on your big girl panties!
Suck it up, buttercup!
Don't be so sensitive!
Don't take things so personally!
…But this simply isn't true!
Your Sensitivity is a Superpower!
You have a highly developed ability to sense and respond to the emotional state of another. You can learn how to use your sensitivity to your advantage and claim it as your true power.
In this once a week, 4-week online course, you will be provided with information and tools that allow you to:
• to thrive in your experience
• develop your intuition
• create personal boundaries
• expand and evolve your empathic abilities, and
• use your sensitivity to empower yourself
When you have a healthy relationship with your own sensitivity,
then and only then can you truly assist others in a healthy, effective and productive way.
Join 'Teacher of Masters" Tanis McRae for Sensitivity as a Superpower.
This Online Course will be once a week for 4 weeks on Thursdays from 7 pm to 9 pm MST
To access my online studio to register/purchase this course: