What happens in a session with Tanis? Watch this intro for a sneak peek.
love to answer the question, “What do you do?” with the somewhat cheeky answer, “I do whatever it takes!”
When you ask that question of me as an intuitive teacher and healer then my answer is clear,
I do whatever it takes to allow you to experience and express yourself as the amazing soul/human that you already are.
You see I don’t just do this as a living as do this AS I am living!
I live and love the process of my own personal expansion and transformation. That dedication to my own transformative experience allows me to meet you where you are right now in your process and assist you with your own personal journey into Self.
Are you already in, ready to transform?
Excellent let’s connect.
In-Person and On-line Sessions:
Book an Intuitive Session
In this session, we will go deeply into your energy field and transform stuck and stagnant dense energy. Dense energy creates your reality in your now experience so transmuting and transforming it is vitally important to your health & happiness. Energy work assists and transforms all levels of your Being simultaneously, your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health is improved and, in most cases, emotional pain and suffering around that issue are eliminated completely with just this one session. I so look forward to connecting with you.
If you want to commit yourself to transformative dedicated self-evolvement then my Custom Mentor Program may be what you are looking for. This is for the person who is serious about turning that corner in their lives and moving from just surviving to THRIVING in their life experiences. In our monthly sessions, we will move through significant density in your energy field and transform and transmute it into fuel to power your creative energy into the conscious creation of who you are NOW, not who you were or what you have suffered. This program includes ongoing support between sessions.
Ok, maybe you need to know more?
That’s fair, read on.
What actually happens in a session is very unique to each individual. Everyone has experienced life from their own personal perspective so there is no one right way, generic, cookie-cutter process that I use to assist you. I literally personally tailor the session to do whatever it takes to transform that energy specifically for you!
Together we will identify and target areas of your life that you consider to be unhealthy, traumatic or limiting through a process that works at the cellular level of the body. I call this the “Point of Origin” or POO if you will. Yup, that dense shit stuck in your cellular emotional memories that causes you to repeat patterns and behaviours and experience them over and over, expecting a different result.
Transforming and transmuting these experiences at the point of origin permanently changes your relationship with them and allows you to move forward without repeating those damaging patterns and behaviours.
Every session will awaken your awareness of expansiveness, your consciousness, and how you can create change in your life from that more expanded state and experience of the Self rather than from that previously limited stuck state.
You will transform trapped trauma stored in your cellular memory. You will be encouraged and inspired to embrace your day to day experiences, as they are your wisdom and also the fuel for your self-empowerment.
You will embody your divinity, that part of you that is already expanded, conscious, self-aware, limitless, the infinite source of all that IS.
How about now?
Are you ready?
To awaken, change, transform, embrace and discover who you really are?
Book an Intuitive Session
In this session, we will go deeply into your energy field and transform stuck and stagnant dense energy. Dense energy creates your reality in your now experience so transmuting and transforming it is vitally important to your health & happiness. Energy work assists and transforms all levels of your Being simultaneously, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health is improved and, in most cases, emotional pain and suffering around that issue are eliminated completely with just this one session. I look forward to connecting with you.
If you want to commit yourself to transformative dedicated self-evolvement then my Custom Mentor Program may be what you are looking for. This is for the person who is serious about turning that corner in their lives and moving from just surviving to THRIVING in their life experiences. In our monthly sessions, we will move through significant density in your energy field and transform and transmute it into fuel to power your creative energy into the conscious creation of who you are NOW, not who you were or what you have suffered. This program includes ongoing support between sessions.
My mentor and Light Energy Coach Carissa Schumacher had this to say about what you can expect when you work with me.
Tanis helps you create an infrastructure, a platform that will illuminate the gifts you came into this world with. From this solid foundation, you can enjoy a balanced, joyful, peaceful, creative and harmonious life.
Tanis encourages you to accept all parts of yourself as who you are, with the knowledge that you are perfect as you are right now. This unconditional acceptance helps you create that infrastructure for you to feel and live that simplicity, that joy and that peace every day in your career, your relationships and accept unconditionally who and what you are right now in your experience.
Tanis is not a healer in the way you would normally define a healer because she does not believe that one person heals another. She simply gives you the tools and the support to declutter and purify that natural radiance that is already present within you. She helps you to become conscious of and transform any blockages, attachments and patterns that interrupt that inner creative fire.
Do not work with Tanis if you want to sit and complain about your problems. Tanis has a warrior orientation toward self-understanding, which is that we cannot spend our precious time and energy here in this life on our past problems, worrying over them incessantly. We must instead use them as springboards for self-awareness and transformation.
You must release all blame for all the things you cannot control and focus rather on the things you can control, which is what you are creating in your life, what you are moving forward from - THAT is where you find your personal power!
Together you and Tanis will be bringing light into the shadow but not in a way that will challenge anything for you but rather allows you to accept and love unconditionally all parts of yourself.
CarissaSchumacher, Spirit Medium, Empathic and Light Energy Channel
(Click @ graphic to email me - I will connect you with her to book incredible sessions and Sedona Retreats)
Still not convinced? I totally get it - self-awareness and working to transform your Self is a really big deal and a huge commitment.
It will challenge you as it transforms you because that process brings the reward of peace and freedom from living a life of surviving to enjoying a life of thriving!
What follows is a more intimate answer to what to expect in your session with me.
How do I state in one simple sentence what I experience doing a session?
I experience the most beautiful soul connection that you can imagine. I feel the essence of each person in a way that takes my breath away.
I see pain, joy, love, hate, fear, kindness, loyalty, and healing. I feel a limitless possibility of self-expansion and I see an eager inner child excited to recapture that vitality of youth and a renewed opportunity to love their life again.
I see a life-force energy ready to do whatever it takes to reclaim their health and well-being.
I see someone who trusts me with their very soul.
I feel the threads of energy from all their life experiences woven into a beautiful complex tapestry that makes them abSOULutely unique and worth every bit of my time and energy.
So when you ask me “What do you do?” I cannot find simple words to describe that in a way that makes it easy to understand because I am not really 'doing' anything. I am witnessing miracles and facilitating growth just by being in energetic contact with complete awareness of the amazing essence that you are.
And then I get to experience the most amazing thing! I get to share it with you so you can see it too and that is when you transform from who you thought you were to Who You Really Are!
And who you really are is beautiful beyond imagining.
And so when you ask me, “What do you do Tanis?”
I reply, “I do whatever it takes to allow you to experience yourself as the amazing soul that you truly are!”
How you ask?
I assist people in sessions through a Focused Transformation process.
You might think that the past is past and that there is nothing you can do or change about it. But this is not true from an energetic perspective, because energy knows no time or distance, is fluid and eminently changeable.
Emotion, thoughts, and beliefs are energy and if you have not reconciled them from your past, they still exist in your current energy field and will affect you until they are transformed over time by naturally living life or you can accelerate the process.
To accelerate the process with you we will look into your energetic story and trace the roots of your emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual trauma back to the events that created them, remember the POO or "Point of Origin".
By putting a purifying laser-like focus onto that event you can transform it at its source, and for the first time feel like you are free from the weight of that traumatic experience.
I use my own field of compassion, love, acceptance, and the observer part of myself to draw the weight of that event into our combined heart energy field and untie this knot in your soul's story.
From there you simply have an adjustment process to learn to live without that, which once weighed heavily on you.
You are the only one who has truly experienced your life and so you are going to respond to and require your own way to move through what you have stored and take the steps into where you are going. This is why each session is tailored completely to you and will happen perfectly for what you need.
Most people seeking guidance know that there is more to living than what they are experiencing right now but are unsure of how to access it completely on their own.
I teach consciousness and help transform and integrate any trauma or density standing between you and who you really are, a perfect beautiful being living your life.
This magical and effective mode of transformation can often happen in your first session and does not require a long process for immediate results.
All you need is an open heart, a flexible mind and a desire to take personal responsibility for your own mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.
I look forward to connecting with you and guiding you to live your life in a way that empowers you and experience the peace and joy trapped under any pain and trauma your experiences have created.
“When you are ready the teacher will appear and we will heal our bodies ourselves. Our minds will learn, our bodies will heal, only when we are ready.” Adam, Dreamhealer
Are you ready?
Are you willing to journey into your suffering and transform it into strength and wisdom?
Book an Intuitive Session
In this session, we will go deeply into your energy field and transform stuck and stagnant dense energy. Dense energy creates your reality in your now experience so transmuting and transforming it is vitally important to your health & happiness. Energy work assists and transforms all levels of your Being simultaneously, your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health is improved and, in most cases, emotional pain and suffering around that issue are eliminated completely with just this one session. I look forward to connecting with you.
If you want to commit yourself to transformative dedicated self-evolvement then my Custom Mentor Program may be what you are looking for. This is for the person who is serious about turning that corner in their lives and moving from just surviving to THRIVING in their life experiences. In our monthly sessions, we will move through significant density in your energy field and transform and transmute it into fuel to power your creative energy into the conscious creation of who you are NOW, not who you were or what you have suffered. This program includes ongoing support between sessions.